I believe that herbal essences offer the most economical hair friendly products. Although when it comes to hair care I have been spoilt by LUSH which unfortunately is not available in Chandigarh, I decided to buy a shampoo and conditioner from herbal essences because I am running out on Herbal essences volumizing conditioner which I bought in my October Haul and which has lasted me till date. This time however, I decided to try new products including the moisturizing conditioner for dry/damaged hair and the color me happy shampoo. Both these were for around 150-200 INR (per product). My hair are not dry at all, but they are damaged and lack shine (as of now) hence this choice ;) Also, I have finally finished my lush solid shampoo which I reviewed here and was in dire need of a shampoo. I'm going to order that online right now BTW. This color me happy is for times when I take a shower in the gym ;)
I bought the L'oreal Hydrafresh Gel foam which retails for 299INR. From my post here comparing L'oreal Re-lightening whitening face wash with Garnier you all know how much I love L'oreal face products. When I saw this I had to grab this. It's a part of my giveaway prize as well!!!
Also, I am running out on Lotus Herbals Matte Look Sunblock and decided to stock it up cause I'm totally in love with that! I shall review that soon. I think this one retails for 295 INR and is a better version of the previous one (have not tried it though); will do, and let you know :P
Next I bought the L'oreal Hydrafresh Icy Gel once again. I bought 2 of these, 1 because I was running out on the one I bought here and one for the giveaway! This icy gel is for around 500INR i guess :) Next, I bought the New Garnier B.B Cream which is for 99 INR. I already have the maybelline one, but I wanted to try this as well (review coming soon, so far I'm liking it!). I also bought the VLCC insta glow face pack because everyone can do with some more glow to their face :P I think it was for 235INR if I'm correct!
Have you tried any of these products?
If yes, which ones and what's your take? If no, then which one would you like to lay your hands on?