As promised yesterday, I'm doing a Face Post of my night out on Saturday! So basically I was heading out with my cousin and his gf (soon to be fiance) and wasn't sure where we were heading too...I mean we were still making up our minds. It was quite early for going to a lounge and too late for a coffee shop...Keeping the odds and ends in mind I came up with this look.
Keep reading to know the details of what I was wearing on my face!
I know I look a lil tired and all but these pictures are of the time when we returned back home late in the night. So anyways, for my base makeup I used my faces foundation with the help of a wet sponge and did some contouring around my cheeks with the help of my professional 15 concealer camouflage makeup palette.
For my eyes I used my new Loreal Hip Eye Shadow Duo Gilded 806 and the review on this baby will be up soon! On my eyes I used my regular ELF volume pumping mascara and my incolor eyeliner pen reviewed here. I even used my Faces Canada Longwear eye pencil reviewed here.
So overall what I tried to achieve was a look which wasn't too loud (in case we didnt end up at a lounge) and at the same time which was not to bare for the night either! What do you guys think? Was I successful?
Let me know!
Stay Happy <3
Shanaya · 629 weeks ago
xoxo <3
seraphicgirl86 53p · 629 weeks ago
coralcrue 55p · 629 weeks ago
My recent post Coconut Culture
seraphicgirl86 53p · 629 weeks ago