Saturday, December 29, 2012
Fitness Diaries: Finding your bones!
Posted by
12:34 AM
Fitness Diaries: Finding your bones!
weight loss|

weight loss
Friday, December 28, 2012
Coming Soon: Blog Sale cum giveaway cum Contest= Lots of excitement!!!
I know you guys must be really upset with me for not hosting any giveaways/contests/blog sales till now! Since it is the time of the year when we are all bound to express our love and gratitude for the people who matter to us-I'm Happy to announce that I shall be hosting a super duper MEGA Blog Sale in the coming month. (I'm already busy collecting all your goodies!!!)
- This is going to be a one of a kind blog sale where all goodies are going to be brand new.
- What's more is that everyone who makes a purchase will be entitled to free shipping and a surprise gift! (This is going to be a part of the giveaway!)
- For those of you who do not wish to by anything but decide to promote this fun event-you will get a chance to win a special giveaway prize!!!
- People who promote this event most enthusiastically through their blog/facebook/twitter etc and those who have the biggest order size will get special prizes!
I hope you guys will let me know as to how you like my idea and in order to make the event more meaningful-I request you to kindly take out 2-3 minutes of your time to take part in the survey which I have added on the top right corner of my right hand bar (in purple)!!! This survey will help me know your expectations so that I can work towards fairing well in my endeavor!
<3 You! Stay connected :)
Posted by
12:21 AM
Coming Soon: Blog Sale cum giveaway cum Contest= Lots of excitement!!!

Monday, December 24, 2012
Aaaannnnndddd I'm back! And how I lost 2.5kg in 10 days!!!!
I'm so sorry you guys for disappointing you all-i didn't think that I'd be gone this long, but it just happened. I got an assignment and I was busy travelling; I think I covered the whole of punjab and for the first time really explored the interiors of the state (Yes, I was a lousy Punjabi up till now!) HA!
Anyways, so this was my first time visit to any sort of villages and I must say I was thoroughly entertained.
In the meanwhile, I hauled for clothing, some new makeup, and got loads of gifts from my aunt who was visiting from the states. I cant even begin to tell you how excited I am to share the reviews with you all. Also, I'm planning a giveaway in January-so stay tuned for that-It's going to be one hell of a giveaway of some of my favorite products!!!
Amidst all this halabaloo of attending a wedding function in Kolkata and then being on tour, I gained a lot of weight (I have a sweet tooth and was missing out on all the running that I love to do) I'm not a fitness freak, and I am a chubby girl. However, I have been gymming off and on from the time that I was 15. Now I must tell you that if you cant be regular at your gym, you wouldn't want to get your body used to it for a short while. Take up a sport instead or just go out and walk.
My dad says it's our moral and social duty to look good and presentable in society. I have started to believe that he is quite right in his opinion!
Anywho...having preached too much already, I must tell you that I'm 26 and it has occurred to me (and THANK GOD for that) that at least for once in my life I would like to look fit and I mEAN sincerely look good without having to worry about what to wear and how to wear! I think its a getting old thing....hmmmm...
So anyways, I have been consulting this really famous dietitian and she has helped me lose 2.5 kgs in 10 days and in those 10 days I was travelling for 3 days and had to survive on out side food! So following are my tips on how you too can lose around 2-3 kgs in a few days so that you'll fit better in your dream dresses for new years!
- Start your day with fruits-I stick to apple, orange and guava for this season. You may take your pick but avoid chikoo and bananas;
- Do not cut down on milk-it serves as a laxative and keeps your digestive system working in good shape. However, do not add bournvita or sugar and its substitutes to it. Try adding coffee;
- There are free foods which you may have at all times (whenever you feel hungry)-these include fruits, green tea, regular tea and coffee-all 3 sugarless and milk and soup. Remember no juices-not even fresh juice and no outside soup. Have clear soup if you must.
- Some culprits look harmless-eg corn, wheat, tang, rice, potato, peas and carrot!
- Substitute regular wheat rotis with roti made with 50% bran and 50% wheat;
HMMMM...I think that's most of it-but I shall keep you updated with more tips so that u too are able to join me in my journey to fitness! This shall be my Christmas gift for all of you!
Lots of <3 to all my missys' and a MERRY CHRISTMAS :D
Posted by
11:55 PM
Aaaannnnndddd I'm back! And how I lost 2.5kg in 10 days!!!!
tips and tricks|weight loss|

tips and tricks,
weight loss
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Getting Ready For a Wedding: Day function OOTD & FOTD
Naaah! Of Course you are not having eye trouble, it's just a blurred picture that I have put up to tease you. I know, it's just a lil mean of me- but I wanted to catch your attention without revealing the details of my OOTD.
I wore this outfit for a day function at my friend's wedding. The function (in bengali) was called 'aai budo baath' which is a lunch hosted by the bride's parents one last time before she marries off!
Needless to say my OOTD was a litttlllllleeeeeeeeeee over the top for a bengali gathering of 40 people but it was festive and got me in the mood for the wedding nonetheless! PHbbbtttt :P
Posted by
4:51 PM
Getting Ready For a Wedding: Day function OOTD & FOTD
calcutta|FOTD|getting ready for a wedding|OOTD|

getting ready for a wedding,
How I keep my skin matte all day!
To begin with I have extremely oily skin which dreads at the name of moisturizers, creams, sunscreen etc. The end result? Oily and tanned skin :( Of late I have been experimenting with varied products and have also been using Retin-A for my acne prone skin. What Retin-A does is that it peels your skin, making it look dry and flaky. However, for people with oily skin like me using Retin-A might prove to be quite cumbersome because it will make parts of your skin dry and flaky while your T-zone will appear oily as usual. I had to find a solution to combat this unusual problem! Also, I have been travelling a lot (which explains why I have been Missing From Action)-which means that my sensitive skin will be prone to sun burns. YIKES! A couple of months ago while I was still on Retin-A and had happily skipped sun-screen I had experienced my first and most dreaded encounter with Sun Burn. So, all in all I needed to inculcate the habit of using sunscreen without fussing over chip-chip! :-/
Friday, November 23, 2012
Calcutta diaries: Part 1, Haul
Whenever I visit anyone's blog, I get most excited about the haul posts. As such, I must start my Calcutta Diaries with a haul post of everything I bought from the city. Also, as you all know I have been under the weather, therefore I might not be able to explain too much! However, if you require any specific details don't hesitate to post your queries in the comments section and I shall get back to you!
Posted by
4:07 PM
Calcutta diaries: Part 1, Haul

Thursday, November 22, 2012
I know, I know! I have been missing ever since Diwali!!! I was in Calcutta for my friend's wedding and now that I am back I am down with fever!
However, fret not my friends, I have loads of FOTDs and OOTDs to share with you. Also a couple of haul stories and great deals from Calcutta & Delhi!
Stay tuned and wish me well
Miss You :(
Posted by
11:00 PM

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
DIWALI outfit and FOTD
Finally I'm home and free. I just want to give you guys a quick update about what I was wearing... So without further ado, let's just quickly jump to the pictures; I will have to start with my packing after this and hence this will be a picture heavy post! :)
I will begin with a random picture clicked in my parents dressing room. I think the color co-ordinated dresses looked really pretty. Love my mum's hair in this pic!
The next couple of pictures are again from my parent's room, I was just passing time while my mum was getting ready to go visit my various aunts!
I'm wearing my white chicken(?)/chiccan patiala salwar and a kameez which is more like a Kurta. The embroidery and stitching has been done by my boutique.
Posted by
11:38 PM
DIWALI outfit and FOTD

Monday, November 12, 2012
OOTD: Shopper's Stop,The Perfect look for your man :)
So you want your guy to dress up for Diwali, but he just wants to relax on the one holiday he has got?
Your guy agrees to dress up for your sake but you want his look to compliment yours?
He has enough suits, but you don't want him to end up looking like a corporate junkie?
He has got one lame Sherwani, but that's too tacky to keep anyways?
Fret not chicas, I have the perfect look for your guy-one he is not going to fret about and also a look which is going to compliment This OOTD for you !
Posted by
4:47 AM
OOTD: Shopper's Stop,The Perfect look for your man :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012
NOTD: nail design for chipped nail paint
Have you been washing your hands an awful lot lately?
Are the festivities costing you your perfect nails?
What is that? Savita bai's nailpaint looks dapper than yours?
Wish to re-do your nails without having to deal with the same nail color?
Got a problem picking your favorite nail paint?
If the answer to any of the above is a Yes, then read on...
Posted by
11:37 AM
NOTD: nail design for chipped nail paint
flormar|NOTD|whats on my nails|

whats on my nails
Saturday, November 10, 2012
OOTD: Shopper's Stop Perfect look contest- Festive Look punjabi style ;)
With only a few days left for Diwali we all have been brainstorming and almirah-crashing in order to find that perfect dress which would settle us in the festive spirit.
Want to find your comfort zone even while dressing up?
Feel like playing with colors but dont want to end up looking like a Diwali anar (bomb)? ;)
Want to find the perfect combination of chic bling?
Don't feel like parading around in the routine/mundane Diwali suit/attire?
Fret not my friend, I have the perfect solution for you!
Posted by
7:04 AM
OOTD: Shopper's Stop Perfect look contest- Festive Look punjabi style ;)
contest|OOTD|shoppers stop|

shoppers stop
Getting Ready for a wedding Part 4: EOTD Adele Inspired Day Look
As I was getting ready for my gym session today in the evening, I was also hurriedly catching in on all the drama which was happening in Grey's Anatomy. (Did I ever mention being a keen follower of the soap; Random Fact-It so happens that I mostly like hospital related series, no wonder then that I almost became a doctor~!) Bleh! Anyways, so meanwhile my mind was also loitering around, looking for all the natural yet eye catching eye makeup looks and that's when I happened to catch Dr.Addison Montgomery's (Kate Walsh) Eye Makeup. Very Sexy I must say! Hmm...I would describe it as a rundown version of Adele's eye makeup. For the uninitiated, here's how both of them look:
(My sincere apologies to the owners of these images.)
Left: Kate Walsh, Rght: Adele
Posted by
3:11 AM
Getting Ready for a wedding Part 4: EOTD Adele Inspired Day Look
EOTD|getting ready for a wedding|

getting ready for a wedding
Friday, November 9, 2012
Review: Faces Canada Long Wear Eye Pencil in Solid Black
Do you guys remember My October Haul where I bought this Eye Liner by Faces (Canada)? At that time I was not aiming to buy a black liner, but because I was running out of Kajal I mindlessly swatched a few liners including those from Chambor, Maybelline and Lakme. The swatch for this liner instantly yelled 'PICK Me UP' and I just couldn't resist the temptation :D
Getting Ready for a Wedding Part 3: EOTD Evening Look
While I was deciding on the clothes that I would be wearing and the cosmetics which I should carry for my friend's wedding, I thought about trying out different looks for the Evening Party a.k.a bachelor's party. The party is going to be held in the evening after the conclusion of the 'aaai budo bhaath'(?) (I hope I'm getting it right) which is an official maiden lunch hosted by the bride's parents (Bengali culture). So anyways, I'm sure all my girlfriends are going to be in a huge rush to dress up and step out-leaving me with very little time to do up my eyes. Considering the occasion and the time, I came up with the following eye makeup as one of the options for the upcoming party. Hope you enjoy the step by step guide to achieving this look :)
Thursday, November 8, 2012
NOTD: newU 24 Coral
I know I have only put up one (maybe 2) NOTDs here, but I think I should be more regular about posting what's on my nails; that way I can keep a check on my nail care routine too :) Also, I think it would be useful for you guys to figure out what colors will suit your complexion and needs! As a first NOTD without nail art, I want to show you guys the swatches of my current favorite nail color-the NewU Coral (24)
Price: INR 40/-
Quantity: 5ml
I bought this color around 4-5 months back and it is my go-to color. I <3 it so much that I have already used up 1/3 of the bottle (and everyone knows how hard it is to actually use up even a little bit of nail color, now don't you?) The reason why I managed to use up such a lot is because every time my cousins, aunts or even my mom wants me to do their manicure, I use it as an excuse to show off how pretty this color is ;)
Posted by
5:13 AM
NOTD: newU 24 Coral
affordable|favorites|newU|NOTD|review|whats on my nails|

whats on my nails
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Getting Ready for a Wedding Part 2: DIY skincare with Olive Oil
Racing towards the due date of a wedding?
Need immediate skin action?
Skeptical about buying new skin care goodies?
Unaware of your allergies?
Fret not my friend, I introduce to you my trusted friend Ms.OLIVE OIL.
Now miss olive oil is the mother of all ingredients which can be used in almost all DIY skin care recipes. Today I'm going to share with you my DIY skin care recipes using Olive Oil. So this post is going to contain DIY for:
1. Eye Makeup Remover
2. Facial moisturizer
3. Under-eye cream
4. Face scrub
5. Skin Toner
Posted by
5:37 PM
Getting Ready for a Wedding Part 2: DIY skincare with Olive Oil
general|getting ready for a wedding|Skin care|

getting ready for a wedding,
Skin care
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Getting Ready for a Wedding Part 1:Review Biotique Revitalizing anti fatigue eye gel and how to get rid of dark circles
So before you jump to any sorts of conclusions and start congratulating me, I just want to state that I am not planning on getting married anywhere in the near future (although the fact that everyone around is so set/anthusiastic to get married is getting me a bit curious and anxious to jump into the bandwagon) RONDOM USELESS THOUGHT. Anyways, so far as the title of this blog-post goes, one of my best friends from law school is getting married on 17th November and as I'm preparing for her wedding I think that it would be a good time to share all my health/beauty/fashion concerns/cures/remedies with you guys.
In the first part, I have decided to talk about under eye dark circles/puffiness and how I have been taking care of my under eye concerns. I know I really tend to crib about my under-eye problems but it is also true that I dont have a major problem, although I have really started getting conscious of taking care of the same. I believe that your eye makeup can really make or break a look, and if you don't pay heed to your under-eye concerns then no concealer will be able to act like your fairy god mother!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
EOTD: Lakme & Corallista Eyeconic Eyes Contest Entry 2
Both my reverse eye entries for Lakme & Corallista Eyeconic Eye Contest and Wiseshe Festive Eye Contest have not been featured in the respective contests till date and this is getting me mighty upset! Therefore, in order to lift up my mood, I decided to create a new look for Lakme and Corallista Eyeconic Eye Contest which you may enter HERE.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
TAG: What's in my Bathroom????
As most of you know, my parent's home is getting re-done/re-painted...Today, it's my room's turn! And I'm scared....very very very SCARED! Did you just ask WHY? For beginners, I chose (much to my mum's discontent) a dark grey color for my room (English Castle from Asian Paints to be precise). Not scary enough? Well, what if I tell you I've chosen this dark dark dark color for ALL the walls and even the cieling?! HA! Beat that :P
Anyways, the results shall be out soon...will post pics once its done (By tomorrow hopefully)... Anywho...I had to squeeze all my bathroom essentials into my medicine closet (well officially it's called the medicine closet but then its just an over-the-washbasin mirror closet used to store extras) :) Also, this is when I decided to adopt the ever-hyped google beauty tag-What's in my bathroom and share with you all my bathroom goodies. Here goes...
I have this cute-sy Strawberry Shortcake Almirah hung next to the medicine closet towards the shower area. I have had it ever since it was gifted to me by my cousin (some 15-20 years back)!!!It had all these miniature figurines, each with a distinct fragrance of a fruit...Hung from the same hook as the almirah is a jute bag which I have stuffed with inner wear :D
Sunday, October 28, 2012
EOTD: Lakme & Corallista Eyeconic Eye Makeup Contest ENTRY/Reverse eye-Night look
I'm so excited about this contest which you may also enter HERE
Do you know why I am excited? Well because it is called "eyeconic"
I really really wanted to create an eye-conic look. Once again, I created a reverse eye look which means:
1. The inner corner is lighter than the outer corner
2. The cat eye extends inward rather than outward
Now in order to make it "DRAMTIC" and EYECONIC, I converted it into a smokey eye look. I really hope my entry is accepted and you guys like it.
Also, whereas, my previous EOTD entry is a day-version of this look, it's definitely not the same. Firstly because the previous one isn't a smokey eye and is also not as well defined as this one. This one gives the effect of a somewhat 'EAGLE eye' (Well atleast I think so) ;)
So heres a quick look
EOTD: Festive Eyes With a twist/ Reverse Eye LOOK
As I browsed through myriad hues in paint-books trying to decide on which color should be done on what wall of my parent's home in Chandigarh, it struck me that I was planning to participate in the WISESHE Festive Eye Makeup Contest (chech HERE).... to cut the long chase short, here is the look that I came up with.....
So I wanted to use my favorite color-purple and incorporate a sense of festivity by playing with hues of pink. At the same time, I did not feel like doing the 'same old' smokey eye. I wanted to come up with something different...something truly worthy of the fabulous giveaway prizes!
Posted by
8:59 PM
EOTD: Festive Eyes With a twist/ Reverse Eye LOOK
contest|EOTD|faces long wear eye liner|

faces long wear eye liner
Friday, October 26, 2012
Review: LUSH Solid Shampoo-Jumping Juniper and FOTD
As you all know, on my trip to Delhi earlier this month I happened to buy the Lush Jumping Juniper Solid Shampoo as a part of my Haul. This was the first time I was purchasing any lush product and was quite skeptical. My battle with my ever-oily, falling hair had been driving me crazzzzzzzzzzzyyyyy and so I decided to buy this rather steeply priced bar.
Jumping Juniper costs 600INR
The SA told me it would last me through 70-80 washes (for me that would be 5-6 months!!!!)
Hmmmm....not so expensive after all :)
Thursday, October 25, 2012
October HAULPart 3 and discount coupons
Hello & a Very happy (and a very belated-LOL :D) Dusshera as well as Durga Puja!!! (PHEW! That was long)
So a couple of days back I made it to the Chandigarh Pandal of Durga's odd-how I've lived in Chandigarh (my whole life, well, almost) and never knew that we celebrate Durga Puja even in this quaint city of mine. Here's a picture of how the pandal looked from the inside:
While I was in Bombay I got the whole Bong food fixation and could never get over it. (I think I raided the Stalls at the Durga Puja Pandal in Andheri) The pictures of the pandal and the food still linger in my dreams...
Monday, October 22, 2012
NOTD: Spring Blossom
This is my first successful experiment with nail art, I hope you like it!
You guys know how excited I am about my Buyincoins Haul....and one of the products featured there was my 3D nail art pen kit-which is my first nail art tool of any sort, ever! So today in all my excitement I declared to my mom that I shall do her nails and she was quite excited about the prospect cause I have been showing her all sorts of nail art designs in the past.... To come to the point, what ensued was 2 hours of misery the first half hour of which I spent in perfecting the base coat. What I did with these UV gel pens is something my 3 year old cousin would do with ease albeit in a better manner ;) Needless to say, my mum took it off about half an hour later of contemplating whether to hurt my feelings or go to office with nails like that :P
Determined to make it up to her, I browsed some YouTube videos, looked at some random extremely difficult nail art pics and then concluded that it was going to be a challenge to my artistic side. I dont have nail art brushes and such others, yet I found stationary items which would aid me through the process.
I'm going to surprise my mom with this new technique tomorrow morning and I'm keeping my fingers crossed even as I go to bed. One last look, shall we?
Like it? Abhor it? Want me to do a tutorial? Anything else??? Just leave a comment down below!!!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Review: Professional 15 Concealer Camouflage Makeup Palette
Product: Professional 15 Concealer Camouflage Makeup Palette
Cost: $4.14
Bought From: (Check the haul here )
I know that you guys are really excited about this concealer palette and that's why I decided to take a chance with my improving peeling skin and do a FOTD/Review!
First up, lets have a look at the swatches
My thoughts about the various shades:
Friday, October 19, 2012
'Buy in Coins' HAUL/ September HAUL
Maybe God had a clue about how distressed and gloomy I would get today if I were to see everyone's post on their respective Vellvette Boxes for October and not have a parcel to call my own! (I have no one to blame but my lazyness-for not ordering the Vellvette Box in time!) Check last month's box here
Yesterday I was cribbing over my lost ASOS package and called up a hundred different post offices around my area; my dad was a witness to it...He was laughing at my face but I guess he felt quite sad for me. So while I was busy with my siesta, he walked into my room with a huge parcel murmuring something (YEs, everyone in my family talks to me while I am sleeping...its ODDD, ahhh CRAZY, i mean WEIRD Odd!)
Anywho this is what it looked like
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The story of a Micro-MINI Haul/October Haul Part 2, a lost package and overnight remedy for chapped lips
One must always begin with the good things in life and so before jumping into the stories of my agonies, I shall introduce you to my mini haul which cost me only 100INR :) Any shopping is good shopping, nooooo?
So the story of my mini haul begins with my desire to review the Colorbar Obsessed Orange Lipstick which I bought recently (also featured in my awesome delhi haul here) and continues into the saga of my lost package. But before that, I must enlist my haul goodies:
1. VLCC Daily Protect Honey Lip Balm with SPF 15, INR49/-
2. Vaseline Lip Care Total Moisture 24 hour+moisturized lips, INR 30/-
3. Himalaya Herbals 100% Herbal Actives Lip Balm, INR 25/-
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Hey Guys!
Before I begin with my OOTD, I would like to apologize for not being regular in updating this space. I was in Delhi for a bit and there I really managed to ruin my skin. Now I'm back strictly following my skin care routine and trying to undo the damage; in this whole process my skin is peeling like that of a snake/lizard(?)...yeah one of those or both or whatever....
ANYWHO let's just jumpt into my OOTD first
This is a snapshot of what I wore on my second day in delhi. Close-up pictures will follow along with details about the outfit. To begin with, there was a slight nip in the air and I could finally resort to wearing my racerback vest with a see-through shirt over it. I hate layering in summers! :( I just cant pull it off...
Friday, October 12, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
How to super curl your lashes in 3 simple steps
I'll be in Delhi for a couple of days and hence I might not get a chance to blog. Before I leave I really wanted to share this trick with you which I find really helpful in curling my lashes. And no, you dont need heating eyelash curlers or spoons or any such, all you need is a pair of your routine eyelash curler.
Here's a picture of how your lashes will look once you use this trick
In this picture I have applied the trick on the eye on the left (n No, I have not used any mascara on either of my eyes) |
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Review: L'oreal White Perfect Re-lightening Whitening Facial Foam & Garnier Light Fairness Face Wash
Let me start off by letting you know that I do not fall in that category of people who have a problem with their complexion. I believe that beauty is not a reflection of one's skin color; it depends on various traits- the 2 most important being the 'features' that you have been blessed with and also the way you 'carry' yourself. Both of these are interdependent & complimentary. Therefore, it is important that we respect and take care of ourselves :)
Having said that, let me also add that before using the products listed in the title I had never in my life used any sort of lightening potions/concoctions/creams etc!
Also, as you guys know, I have been busy with studies because of which I have taken time off work and as such this time when I ran out of face-wash I was not really hesitant in using up these two products which have been sitting in my medicine closet for a while!
Without further ado, let's quickly jump into the review and here's how the two products look like
Friday, October 5, 2012
EOTD: Machar Jhol ;)
It's been a long time since I have let my feelings flow on a canvas...the last time when I found myself being swayed was more than six months back when I was staying in Colaba...
I'm back in Chandigarh now, in my room-dealing with insomnia...I believe that it is only when my mind is at unrest does it stir me into playing with colors. Not everytime am I able to justify my emotions though, sometimes my hands waver at the alter of my imagination.
Today has been one such night and my hands have shaken (alright). But then for better or for worse, it is only correct for me to put up a true picture of my anthropology of makeup on my blog. As I said, for better or for worse.
(I must confess though, my hands are more jittery now-while putting up these pics than they were when I was painting my lids!)
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
EOTD: My eyes but Better :)
Of late all the studying has been getting to my head (isn't that where they are supposed to go, anyways?!) & I absolutely abhor the marks it is leaving around my eyes (I can't be too sure about my head in this case!) ...Grrr...
So while I had locked myself up in my room I decided to do an eye look where the look would be somewhat of a "my eyes but better" sort of a thing. You know like "your lips but better"? Ok Ok, lets just say its a minimalistic eye makeup look which you can wear to office, a casual lunch & to the movies etc :)
So let's just jump right into it and see how I fared!
So let's just jump right into it and see how I fared!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Update: Vellvette Box
Remember how I told you about the launch and goodies of the Vellvette Box here ?
Do you also remember that my clinique lipstick/gloss seemed to be a lil under the weather and how I thought it must have been dismantled during delivery? WELL... I wrote to the vellvette team informing them about the mishap and guess what???
Do you also remember that my clinique lipstick/gloss seemed to be a lil under the weather and how I thought it must have been dismantled during delivery? WELL... I wrote to the vellvette team informing them about the mishap and guess what???
Monday, October 1, 2012
EOTD-Aishwarya Rai Copy Cat
What do you do at 2 in the morning when your eyes start to stray away from the corporate law books and fall on the July issue of Vogue magazine? Do you stay focused to the gaping words which leave craters of dark circles around your eyes or do you flip through the glossy pages of the world as you'd like to know it?
Cutting the long story short, I happened to flip my way towards a picture of Aishwarya Rai in a Loreal True Match foundation advertisement. Not that I think she is overtly pretty or some such, but my mind was running through images of beautiful eye makeup which could be easily emulated. NOT THAT I THINK that I am the wazir of Shah Jahan's main architect in terms of the beautification parade...
Ah Well, what the hell...
Here I reveal the dark secrets of what followed (dark because in my enthusiasm and stupor I forgot to prime my lids.... I know, I know, CURSE my LUCK!
Cutting the long story short, I happened to flip my way towards a picture of Aishwarya Rai in a Loreal True Match foundation advertisement. Not that I think she is overtly pretty or some such, but my mind was running through images of beautiful eye makeup which could be easily emulated. NOT THAT I THINK that I am the wazir of Shah Jahan's main architect in terms of the beautification parade...
Ah Well, what the hell...
Here I reveal the dark secrets of what followed (dark because in my enthusiasm and stupor I forgot to prime my lids.... I know, I know, CURSE my LUCK!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Horrid Experience with
A few days back I placed an order with Med plus Beauty. It was the first time that I was placing an order with them and picked up 3-4 items on 13th September, 2012. While the order got confirmed on the very same day and was packed for delivery on 14th September, 2012, my experience with med plus beauty wasn't a pleasant one..
On 15th/16th September I received a call from Medplusbeauty, informing me that my location was not covered in their delivery area and I was shocked to hear this because international shipments have been delivered to my address. I live in Panchkula which is a part of the tri-city of chandigarh and would hardly be 3-5 kms from the main market-place in Chandigarh (if you compare it to Delhi/Bombay this would still be like one part of the city).
To top it all, I was getting this call after the status of my shipment read "approved" and "packed" on their website, which was quite shocking considering the fact that medplusbeauty didnt take any steps while confirming the order.
In any case, I was asked to give an alternative address or to get my order cancelled and be eligible for a full return. I opted for the latter and was informed that the amount would be credited to my account in a few days.
I happened to check my account today-more than 2 weeks since my last interaction with medplusbeauty and to my Shock my shipment status still read-" Packed" "AWAITING DISPATCH". To make matters worse, there has been no credit to my bank account!!!
I called up the customer service and was informed that complaint has been filed and shall be handled within 7 days. I'm WAITING; TRULY and TOTALLY DISGUSTED.
On 15th/16th September I received a call from Medplusbeauty, informing me that my location was not covered in their delivery area and I was shocked to hear this because international shipments have been delivered to my address. I live in Panchkula which is a part of the tri-city of chandigarh and would hardly be 3-5 kms from the main market-place in Chandigarh (if you compare it to Delhi/Bombay this would still be like one part of the city).
To top it all, I was getting this call after the status of my shipment read "approved" and "packed" on their website, which was quite shocking considering the fact that medplusbeauty didnt take any steps while confirming the order.
In any case, I was asked to give an alternative address or to get my order cancelled and be eligible for a full return. I opted for the latter and was informed that the amount would be credited to my account in a few days.
I happened to check my account today-more than 2 weeks since my last interaction with medplusbeauty and to my Shock my shipment status still read-" Packed" "AWAITING DISPATCH". To make matters worse, there has been no credit to my bank account!!!
I called up the customer service and was informed that complaint has been filed and shall be handled within 7 days. I'm WAITING; TRULY and TOTALLY DISGUSTED.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Lipstick: Inglot 408
In one of my posts where I was supposed to be doing a Red tag for NBBN, Poulami Mallick asked me to review my Inglot 408 lipstick, so here goes....Mind you this is going to be a picture heavy post, just because I think it essential to catch the true shade in different lighting!
This is how it looks like
This is how it looks like
Quantity: 4.8g/0.16 US OZ
Color: True Red
Finish: Matte
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Review: Pore Cleansing Facial Pads
So I have literally been dreaming about the Clarisonic Mia. Every time I hear that some relative or friend is travelling to or fro from the States, my heart skips a beat (or several, if you really ask me!). As of now, I'm quite unemployed...well, actually make it "very unemployed" :P Plus with the truckload of stuff my mum bought me recently from her trip to Alaska, it will definitely not be funny to ask her to do me a favor; as it is she thinks I'm planning to operate a beauty shop from my own bedroom!
Sigh! Anyways, cutting the long trail short, I recently wandered to this site called Deal Extreme and found tons of delicious Chinese/Japanese (????) beauty products at dirt cheap rates! And to top it all, they have free shipping !!!! And guess what I found?
Sigh! Anyways, cutting the long trail short, I recently wandered to this site called Deal Extreme and found tons of delicious Chinese/Japanese (????) beauty products at dirt cheap rates! And to top it all, they have free shipping !!!! And guess what I found?
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12:38 AM
Review: Pore Cleansing Facial Pads
clarisonic mia|cleansing|deal extreme|exfoliation|facial pads|favorites|home|online|online experience|pore|pore cleansing facial pads|product review|review|Skin care|

clarisonic mia,
deal extreme,
facial pads,
online experience,
pore cleansing facial pads,
product review,
Skin care
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Skin CARE: To Tone or Not To tone??? :-O
Until a few months back, I was a 'Not To Tone' activist.
Considering my oily, acne prone skin, I had developed a hatred to toners and moisturizers.
While the 'I hate Moisturizers' story germinates in my childhood, the "I hate Toner' story is from my college days...
To cut long matters short, let's just say-I came, I saw and I went ;)
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Review: Clinique Blushes and Bronzer :)
At the risk of sounding stupid, I admit that I was introduced to "Dr."Clinique way before I became an acquaintance of "Ms."Lakme; one of the many truths about the twisted tale called "My Life"....
I shall try and restrict myself from going into the length & depth of that story as of now. We have better business to do.
So while I was reorganizing my makeup stash yesterday, I realized that the only (yes only!) blush and bronzer that I own are from Dr. Clinique. (Basically, I dont even own them, I'm just their keeper. I had long ago, swindled them from my mum's makeup collection along with this gorgeous pouch ;) )
Monday, September 17, 2012
REVIEW: Organic India's Tulsi Green Tea
P.S: That's just the Green Tea sitting in my lap ;)
So, I first fell in love with green tea when I was living in Bombay and heard about the many wonders of green tea from a friend who advised me to have a few cups a day in order to lose weight. The two years that I spent in Bombay contributed to my weight gain problem and I ended up gaining around 10 kgs (approximately). Sigh!
Initially though, I did not like the taste of it and hence I tried my experiments with green tea whereby I:
1. had it as a tonic (simmering hot half cup water with a bag of green tea dipped=extra strong)
2. Added sugar (2 spoons)= zero value addition
3. Boiled water and let it sit till it was luke warm with a tea bag dipped in it = i could taste the flavor
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Review: TBS Tea Tree Blemish Gel
My skin is prone to acne and scarring and has been that way ever since I was a teenager. In search for a miracle cure, I found myself loitering at the Body Shop store in Colaba a few months back.
As on this day, I have finished up this product and am ready and willing to present my 'One TRUE Opinion'. So here goes...
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